Chilli Parkin

Parkin isn't just for around bonfire night - it's a wholesome treat that can be enjoyed throughout the year. And chillies? Well, chillies enhance its flavour to a zen-like piquancy. Every time I make this, it goes very quickly. Quite a few ingredients, and takes a little while to do, but well worth it.


110g self-raising flour
75g oats
110g soft brown sugar
110g butter
175g golden syrup
50g black treacle
3 teaspoons ground ginger
2-3 chillies,, finely chopped, according to how "piquant" you'd like it
half a teaspoon ground cloves
one egg, beaten

1. Preheat your oven to 140C
2. Put the treacle, golden syrup, sugar and butter into a pan and gently warm it.
3. Stick the flour, ginger, chillies, oats, ground cloves and a pinch of salt into a bowl and mix well.
4. When the stuff in the pans all dissolved, empty it into the dry tuff and make sure it's well mixed.
5. Add the beaten egg and, again, stir it well into the mixture. It should have the consistency of over-excited puppy faeces.
6. Empty the mixture into an 8"x8" silicon baking tray, or even a loaf tin, and stick it in the oven for 1 hour 20 minutes.
7. Let it cool for half an hour or so before you carefully turn it out of the tray.


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